Arctic trip I

Since my recent posts about Life, the Universe and Everything did not receive much attention, I infer that this one will probably generate more interest.

Today I arrived in Fauske, which is a small village near (in the Norwegian sense of “near”) Bodø, and is definitely farther north than the Arctic Circle (>67° N). The Norwegian sense of “near” was explained to us by a local girl who (by the way) dropped that a Norwegian mile is ten kilometers, which says a lot about distances here.

The following pictures were made near not too far from the cabin. I finally surrendered to my urge to force the camera to do what I want, which resulted in making most of the pictures in semi-manual mode, and some of them fully manual (as in, manually setting up the aperture, the shutter speed and the focus distance). I was being helped by the camera, so it was not a great deal, but it felt good. Being in control always feels good 🙂


…to Bodø, Lofoten and Tromsø in less than half an hour.

I will be back. There will be pics.