Culture shock

Today a roommate of a friend had a birthday party. So I witnessed what an African birthday party looks like.

I will mostly refrain from any judgment. But I felt very, very alien, probably because my European ear was somewhat stressed with rhythm-rich but melodyless music. And at some point the party became somewhat more of a mating ceremony which, for me, was a good time to leave. Afterwards, the friend who originally invited me was telling that it got even weirder, and I am still unsure if I really want to know details on that matter. Probably no.


So I went skiing on Saturday. Last time I was skiing about nine years ago, but since we were cross-country skiing, it did not lead to unpleasant consequences. Going uphill is very exhausting, but hey, I knew what to expect.

Behold, more Scandinavian melancholy:

The most important thing while skiing around here is that with all the snow, I cannot reliably estimate distances. Which leads to problems like “hey, I have no clue how steep it is. Let’s come nearer and look better!”